Bulutlu Makine’s Integrated Management System Policy within the Scope of the Standards; ISO 9001:2015, 45001:2018, 14001:2015
To ensure customer satisfaction and prioritize, to ensure compliance with the legal and technical requirement of our services, being a respected company and consider potential customers the pioneers of the maritime industry, to be as best company to our customers with our employee team and their knowledge and skills, To following the activities that will reduce our environmental impact in the process from the use of energy resources and the use of all inputs and outputs to our disposal in our services, to provide our employee's, our most important resource, with a safe and healthy workplace in order to protect them from work-related injuries and prevent their health from deteriorating, and Security "awareness, to support employee participation and protect our employees from retaliation in order to increase our work in the field of Occupational Health and Safety(OHS) and to ensure its sustainability has been determined company as a Integrated Management System Policy.